“Ian, he has a skull fracture. We’re keeping him in intensive care until we know he’s stable.”
These were the haunting words that the nurse told me, as I anxiously waited in the Hospital ER.
Just an hour before…
My Head of Finance, Michael, had collapsed in a board meeting and ended up in the back of an ambulance…
He revealed that he’d been suffering from out-of-control Uric Acid Levels…
And that he’d been using a prescription pill to help him manage the pain.

Because he’d tried everything to control it. And nothing seemed to work.
After I heard this, I was worried sick about him…
And I couldn’t help but feel like it was my fault…

Michael’s Uric Acid Attacks Left Him With No Choice But To Take A Prescription Painkiller…
Which Eventually Made Him Faint In A Board-Meeting…
I should have noticed it sooner.
He started showing up to the office late…
As if he’d gone to war to get himself out of bed in the mornings…
He’d walk with a slight limp, and whenever you asked him about it, he’d smile and tell you he’s okay…
And on a few occasions…
When his uric acid attacks would start to flare-up in the office…
You’d see him wincing in pain with any slight movement…

But I was so distracted with new product launches…
Getting raw material together…
And hiring new team members…
That I missed it.
And it put Michael’s life at risk.
Because instead of focusing on how I could help Michael manage his Uric Acid Overload naturally…
I’d turned my back on him to focus on the business.
As a result, Michael resorted to taking dangerous pills to mask his pain.
And he didn’t tell me.
Because he felt ashamed…
We are a natural health company, after all.
And even though it was one of the scariest days of my life…
I’m grateful it happened, because it led me to…

Discover The Root Cause Of Uric Acid Flareups…
And The ‘XO’ Switch That Can Balance Healthy Uric Acid Levels In Your Body Under 30 Days
“At its peak, I would get a horrendously painful Uric Acid attack once a month. It would leave me bed-ridden and unable to come to work. I wouldn’t wish that pain upon my worst enemy.
But after Ian gave me the [East Asian Fruit], something changed… my joints started to feel more ‘loose’ and ‘mobile’, like when you spray WD40 on a bicycle chain.
Fast forward 3 months… I haven’t had ONE attack. I don’t even think about my Uric Acids levels at all now.”

As you’ll see shortly, today’s remedy will help you control your Uric Acid Levels in just 30 days.
It’s an ancient fruit-medicine that was used in South-East Asia for thousands of years.
But over time…
It got buried.
(almost as if they didn’t want me to discover it)
And here’s the best part:
Today’s fruit-medicine means that you don’t have to get on any restrictive diets…
Dangerous over-the-counter drugs…
Or excruciating procedures.
The remedy works by turning off what scientists are now calling the ‘XO Switch’.
As I’ll explain, XO is the root cause of excruciating uric acid crystals in your body.
Discovering that allowed me to source the world’s ONLY natural Uric Acid Balancer…
Which led my Head of Finance to make a FULL recovery…
And DISSOLVE all of the excruciating uric acid crystals from his body.
And A Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study Showed This Uric Acid Fix To Be More Effective Than Harmful Chemical Drugs…
That’s right…
In one double blind, placebo-controlled study - the golden standard of lab studies - today’s remedy:
Balanced Uric Acid Levels With Just Two Tiny Doses Per Day
Was Clinically Proven To Lower Uric Acid Levels By More Than 27%
Just As Effective As Chemical Drugs WITHOUT The Nasty Side Effects
I wouldn’t have believed it either if I didn’t see the changes it made in Michael.
Imagine When YOU Roll Out Of Bed One Month From Now, And Put Your Feet On The Floor…
Only To Feel No Pain…
And not only that, but you’re more lax with your diet…
Since you’re actively suppressing the root cause of your Uric Acid Imbalance…
Meaning you can eat and drink all you want with NO flare-ups, as if you were in your twenties again…
How in-control would you feel?
And as weeks go by with no flare-ups…
You’ll no longer feel paranoid, anxious, or worried about when your next flare-up is going to come…
You’ll never have to call in sick to work, or be left out of activities with friends…
And you’ll never deal with the gross shame of having a fat, inflamed foot in front of your significant other again.
That’s not all though.
You’ll no longer be reliant on Chemical Drugs to live a Uric Acid - free life…
And for the first time in a long time…
Your friends and family will start to notice your youthful vigor return…
They’ll laugh as you crack jokes around the dinner table…
And watch in awe as you keep up with your hyperactive grandkids.
So If You’ve Ever Been A Victim Of A Uric Acid Attack, Or You’ve Been Suffering From Inflammation For Years On End…
You Must Read This Letter Right To The End
Because uric acid attacks are not subtle.
What starts as a tingling sensation in your big toe…
Will quickly turn into 1000 piercing needles with every movement you make.
Walking turns into limping.
Standing turns into sitting.
The stiffness turns into burning coal under your skin.
And the affected joint becomes one big nerve ending.
But that’s not the worst of it.
A Uric Acid Attack will affect your whole family.
And that’s without mentioning the challenge of trying to cook, move around your home, or go to the grocery store.
You lose your independence.
When I saw how Uric Acid imbalance had affected Michael, my Head of Finance, I realized just how debilitating it really is.
And that day, as I sat next to Michael’s hospital bed…
Praying that he would be okay…
I was replaying the situation in my head, like a movie stuck on repeat…
Michael standing up…
Michael fainting…
The CRACK as his skull collided with the edge of a hardwood table…
I had a lightbulb moment.
See, I had been spending all of my time focusing on the ‘next big health breakthrough’...
I’d been traveling the world, trying out different herbs, minerals, and seeds…
I’d even brought in a media team to film the entire thing for a documentary…
But the entire time, the answer had been right in front of me.

Over 10 million Americans, just like Michael, suffer from Uric Acid issues every single day.
As a result, they’re given subscription medicines that do more harm than good.
Much like the medication that nearly killed Michael.
Sat in that hospital room, listening to Michael’s heart-rate monitor…
I knew what I needed to do.
I Made It My Mission To Find A Natural Uric Acid Balancer - Solution To PROTECT Folks Like YOU From Harmful Drugs
So I started to do some research.
And what I found shocked me to my core.
Greed. Scandals. Corruption.
And an East Asian plant medicine that could be the answer to millions of Americans suffering.
So make sure you read this entire letter until the very end.
I’ll reveal…
The Twice-A-Day Mixture That Will Turn Off The ‘XO’ Switch In Your Body And FLUSH Uric Acid Crystals From Your System Painlessly…
What A BLACK BOX Warning Label Means… And Why The FDA Quietly Issued One On The Most Popular Anti-Inflammatory Medication (Avoid This)…
Uric Acid The Culprit Behind Your Flareups, Right? WRONG. I’ll Reveal The Real ROOT CAUSE, And How You Can Manage Your Uric Acid Levels In Under 30 Days…
The Secret To Getting Off The Chemical Drug Merry-Go-Round, By Using A Natural East Asian Anti-Inflammatory Solution…
PLUS: Find Out Why Diet & Genetics Have LITTLE To Do With Your Uric Acid Attacks…
But before we go any further, allow me to introduce myself…

I was overweight, depressed, and sick. My body was failing me.
I was diagnosed with life threatening diseases.
I almost gave up.
But, by the Grace of God, I discovered that there is a natural remedy for every ailment and disease on this planet.
I started to travel the world in search of these natural remedies that would keep me alive for my family and friends.
And my health started to change.
Some would even say I ‘aged backwards’.
Hi, my name is Ian Clark.
And when I was 46 years old, I was told I had 1000 days left to live.
Here’s how I looked:
I was overweight, depressed, and sick. My body was failing me.
I was diagnosed with life threatening diseases.
I almost gave up.
But, by the Grace of God, I discovered that there is a natural remedy for every ailment and disease on this planet.
I started to travel the world in search of these natural remedies that would keep me alive for my family and friends.
And my health started to change.
Some would even say I ‘aged backwards’.
Fast forward to now. Myself and my sons are the founders of Activation Products.
The world’s leading manufacturer of healing superfoods…
Perfect Press Black Cumin Oil, which helps over 500,000 American’s manage 67 different health problems and ailments…
Perfect Immune, which over 400,000 Americans use to bulletproof their immunity in the cold months…
EASE Magnesium Spray, which over 550,000 Americans use to reduce their levels of stress and sleep better…

That’s why millions of men & women have been counting on us since 2011 to keep them pain-free, energetic & young-looking far into their older years.
And it’s also why I’ve rushed to you this announcement.
Because after hundreds of hours of researching, testing, and formulating…
I’ve discovered the most effective Uric Acid Balancer on the planet.
A remedy so effective that it could Delete your Uric Acid Crystals Attacks in as little as 30 days…
Mark my words:
In all my years of researching and manufacturing superfoods and supplements, I’ve never seen something quite like this
The results of this breakthrough will allow you to:
NEVER be a burden to your friends, family and colleagues - as your Uric Acid Levels balance Out and you never have to call in sick to work, miss out on family dinners, or planned holidays
NATURALLY clear uric acid from your body, so you don’t have to rely on big–pharma drugs and their dark side effects…
FEEL better, and live life with a painless vitality - as if your joints just went through a powerwash that cleared all the uric acid-crystals from your body…
I’ll reveal the Uric Acid breakthrough in just a second.
But just before I do…
Let me tell you a story about the fateful day that led to all of this.
The Day My Head Of Finance Nearly Died
Michael helps us manage our supply chain.
He forecasts and watches our finances.
And he organises inventory for the marketing team.
Before Activation, he’d had a long & successful career.
A beautiful marriage.
And he made a dent in every industry he had worked in.
Michael, like many men in their fifties, had started to feel some of the natural effects of aging.
He’d put on a little bit of extra weight.
He paid less attention to his diet.
And his sleep had started to deteriorate.

His lifestyle, combined with the stress from Activation…
Was the perfect storm for a chronic Uric Acid Crystal Attack to develop.
Looking back, I can’t say I’m surprised.
There were times when I’d see Michael walking with what I thought was a slight limp…
And Michael, being the hard-headed man that he is, would wave it off as nothing.
“Don’t worry about me, Ian. Worry about Activation.”
Michael would say.
But even then, I’d still notice a slight limp and the subtle wince of pain with each step Michael took.
I knew that Michael was the type of man that didn’t want sympathy.
He was a tough career-veteran and would put Activation before his own health needs.
So after weeks of Michael waiving off any questions about his health…
He walked into the office with an obvious limp, grimacing in pain with each step he took.
I’d had enough of seeing him like this. So I took him aside before our board meeting, and asked him what was going on.
I was NOT going to take another offhanded “I’m okay” for an answer.
I knew that there was something wrong.
Because not only was it obvious that he was in pain…
But on that particular day he looked pale.
Michael then revealed to me that he’d been suffering from out-of-control Inflammation for the last 2 months, and after trying everything from:
Restrictive Anti-Inflammatory diets…
Tart cherry juice…
Anti-inflammatory herbs & spices…
He’d finally given in and had been taking a prescription pill to manage his Inflammation for the last week.
I was shocked.
All I could muster out was:
“Michael… why didn’t you say something before?”
He replied matter of factly:
“I was ashamed, Ian. We are a natural health company - and I couldn’t even find a natural solution to my attacks. It got to the point where I was having an attack every 2 weeks. I had to take something to stop the pain. I just didn’t want to say anything because we all know how you feel about prescription drugs.”
I was meant to be the man who HELPED my employees, friends, and family with their health problems.
Heck - we’d helped millions of folks around the world… and I couldn’t even help the one closest to me.
My mind was somewhere else for the entire meeting…
So when Michael stood to make his presentation, it took me a second to realize how sickly pale he looked.
He stood there for a second, not saying anything, and gave me a modest, knowing smile.
As if he knew what was going to come next.
“Michael, are you okay?”
And then my world turned upside down… Because my Head of Finance, looking like a ghost, collapsed… hitting the back of his head against the hardwood table…
Blood started to rush from his head…
I shot up out of my chair and rushed over to help Michael…
Wondering if it was his pain or a side effect of his medication that caused him to faint…
My hands shook as I dialed 9-1-1, and prayed to God that he would be okay…
Next thing I knew, we were at the local hospital, with Michael unconscious in a hospital bed…
When the doctor came to give me an update…
“Ian, he has a fractured skull… We’re keeping him until we know he’s stable.
By the way… his blood pressure is dangerously low… has Michael been on any medication that you know of?”
My whole world shattered right there.
Not only was it my fault that Michael suffered in silence…
But my lack of attention had led him to take a prescription pill that left him in the emergency room.
Enough was enough.
When the doctor mentioned medication, my heart sank.
The prescription pill Michael had been taking instantly popped into my mind.
10 minutes of research on my iPhone revealed everything I needed to know.
I was horrified by the side effects.
And even worse, I was angry at myself…
Because I let Michael become a victim of the big-pharma merry-go-round that most folks can never seem to get off of.
Pacing back and forth in the waiting room…
I knew I had to find a solution for his Uric Acid Overload.
And so I set to work.

I felt like I owed it to Michael.
I also knew that millions of Americans are were victims of Inflammatory uric acid crystal attacks…
And that big-pharma Anti-Inflammatory pills weren’t a viable long term option.
So I started where I always do:
By finding the real ROOT CAUSE of Uric Acid Overload.
I read journals…
Flipped through pages of studies…
And started browsing forums…
Which led me to discover the East Asian fruit that unclogs uric acid crystals from your joints…
By turning off your body’s ‘XO’ switch
So keep reading.
Because I’m about to unveil the ONLY natural solution to your agonizing uric acid attacks.
A natural solution that dissolves the root-cause of Uric Acid Overload from your body.
So that you’re no longer left with a debilitating ache that leaves you in the same position for hours…
Where something as minor as the weight of your bedsheet can send extreme pain through your entire leg…
Before I can explain what the solution is, you need to understand why you suffer from Uric Acid Overload in the first place.

While doctors have told you for years that it’s because you’re eating too much meat & potatoes…
Or simply being overweight…
The truth is, your Uric Acid attacks have very little to do with your diet, genetics, or weight.
No, the reason why you suffer from Inflammation is because you have a high concentration of Uric Acid (Uric Acid) in your body.
Uric Acid is a naturally occuring waste product found in your blood.
When your body makes too much Uric Acid, or can’t get rid of it quickly enough…
It builds up and deposits ‘crystals’ around your joints.
Imagine putting hundreds of tiny grains of sand in between your joints… Uric Acid crystals are basically the same thing.
If you’ve suffered from a Uric Acid attack before, you already knew this.
Every suffering victim in the world knows that their Uric Acid levels are too high.
I’m not going to waste your time paraphrasing what a doctor has been telling you for years.
That’s not how we do things here at Activation.
No, I’m here to unveil the root cause of your high Uric Acid levels…
And show you exactly how you can naturally relieve yourself of this issue now, by targeting a little-known ‘enzyme switch’ in your body.

Remember the XO Enzyme I mentioned earlier in this presentation?
The actual name for it is ‘Xanthine Oxidase’ - hence why we call it XO.
The XO enzyme is a ‘catalyst’ - it speeds up the chemical reaction that converts the food you eat into uric acid.
It’s triggered like a ‘switch’ - and when it’s turned on, your body produces a LOT of Uric Acid.
When that uric acid builds up in your body, it deposits in your joints in the form of crystals.
That the actual ‘root cause’ of your high Uric Acid levels…
Is the ‘XO enzyme switch’.
And that’s why Uric Acid Flushing remedies don’t work.
Because instead of targeting the root cause of the Uric Acid Overload - XO - they try to expel Uric Acid faster…
Or simply ‘mask’ the pain that comes with a uric acid attack.
But if you know anything about us…
You’ll know that we ONLY provide solutions - not ‘symptom suppressors’ that make you feel good in the short term while damaging your health in the long term.
And so the solution is simple:
You need to reduce your XO enzyme levels in the body.
How can you do this?
Well, you could go the chemical drug route.
Your doctor would be thrilled to get you on an opioid to manage the pain.
Or maybe NSAIDs.
Or maybe even two unmentionable drugs like **lopur** or ***uxost**.
Drugs that have over 15 million prescriptions in the USA alone.
And both of which have been proven to reduce your Inflammation.
But here’s the problem with drugs like these…
The FDA Recently Issued ‘Black Box’ Warning Labels On Two Major Uric Acid Drugs…
That’s right.
The FDA themselves put a BLACK BOX warning on these anti-inflammatory drugs.
A Black-Box warning is the highest warning that can be assigned by the FDA.
These warning labels are ONLY applied to drugs with major side effects…
Including DEATH.
Think about how bad the side effects must be for the FDA to issue black box warnings.
Because a warning label severely harms the way they can market their drugs.
And if we know anything...
We know that money is the primary motivator with prescription drugs.
Drug companies run the highest profit margins and revenues in the whole world.
In the case of today's over-the-counter medications…
And if we know anything...
We know that money is their primary motivator.
Because the FDA likes to take bribes from pharmaceutical companies.
Don't believe me?
Take 1 minute and Google 'FDA bribes'.
In the case of today's over-the-counter uric acid medications…
BOTH have been proven to:
Lower your blood pressure below normal … so you run the risk of fainting like Michael did
Create internal bleeding in your intestines… which can lead to you being hospitalized
Make you bald… by causing hair loss
Cause intense uric acid attacks over time … defeating the purpose of the drug in the first place
Weaken one side of your body, or cause total numbness so you can’t perform basic activities like going to the gym…
Turn your skin and the whites of your eyes yellow… leaving you sickly-looking
And that’s not all.
A subscription to one of these chemical drugs could run you up to $460 per MONTH.
So not only are you damaging your immediate health…
But you’re being ripped off at the same time.
Here’s what PubMed, one of the largest medical publications on the planet said about uric acid drugs:
“Current drugs that obstruct uric acid… are **lopurin**… fe****stat. However… the side effects, safety and tolerability problems of some current Uric Acid medications still exist.”

But that’s not even the WORST part.
When you get on the chemical drug subscription program…
There’s no end in sight.
Because these anti-inflammatory -drugs are designed to be taken for LIFE.
That’s why I brought you this letter today.
Because, let's face it, there HAS to be a better way.
Wouldn’t you rather have a natural solution to your Uric acid attacks…
That actually targets the root cause…
Or would you rather get on a lifetime subscription to some chemical drug?
When I saw how there were no natural options out there for uric acid victims like Michael…
I started looking for ways to suppress the Xanthine Oxidase (XO) enzyme in the body…
Which is when I uncovered an East Asian fruit that could suppress XO and reduce Uric Acid levels by at least 27%
After Michael ended up in the hospital, I knew something had to be done.
Because uric acid overload is not a condition you can just ignore.
Here’s why:
You can be healthy, fit, young and still have a uric acid attack!.
It can be hereditary, in other words, disaster is impending, all it takes is a little nudge.
It’s not about diet entirely. Diet only accounts for ⅓ of your uric acid overload, the rest is produced by your body.
If you have a uric acid attack once, you could likely get it for the rest of your life, or at least be susceptible to it.
So I got to work.
I knew that the XO enzyme was causing Michaels Uric Acid levels to skyrocket.
But simply knowing that wasn’t enough.
I had to find a way to ‘flip the switch’ and suppress XO - naturally.
Otherwise Michael would spend the rest of his career with increasing pain…
In and out of doctors offices…
And constantly thinking to himself that it didn’t used to be like this.
So I did the obvious.
I started searching through studies, ancient texts, and old journals for a proven way to turn off the XO in your body.
And that’s when I discovered the solution.
An East Asian Fruit that goes back thousands of years.
Strangely, I couldn’t find much about this fruit and its Uric Acid Balancing powers online.
Almost as if it had been purposely ‘hidden’.
But I didn’t give up.
After 4 days of compiling research from the strangest corners of the internet…
What I found was fascinating.

The fruit had been used in Ancient Ayurvedic medicine since 1500BC.
Ayurvedic medicine is a form of natural treatment that stems from Ancient India.
The fruit was regularly given to the King of the Kushan Empire, who lived past the age of 100.
The people in that region used it for all sorts of ailments.
It was used as an appetizer
It was used to support healthy cholesterol levels
It was used to regulate body temperature
It was used as a laxative
It was used as a detox agent
But that’s not the important part.

A Modern, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study Proved That The Fruit Can Turn Off The ‘XO Switch’ In Your Body
Meaning your Uric Acid levels would naturally start to drop…
And you wouldn’t have to deal with uric acid attacks that leave you awake all night long…
I KNEW I had to get my hands on this fruit.
And I had to give it to Michael.
So I dug deeper.

The fruits name is Baheda, and it looks like this:

Numerous studies show its ability to naturally support healthy uric acid levels.
Because Baheda is rich in polyphenols, a natural organic compound.
Polyphenols have been proven to reduce Uric Acid levels by ‘attaching’ themselves to the XO in your body…
Leading to reduced Inflammatory symptoms, naturally.
Do you realize what this means?

You would NEVER have to say no to a good piece of red meat

You would NEVER face the embarrassment of calling in sick to work as a result of your uric acid

And you would NEVER be seen as ‘old’ and fragile by your friends and family
So I sourced some from an online store, and had it shipped over to our office.
I thought it might’ve been confiscated at the border…
But it showed up at my doorstep on the same day that Michael was fit enough to be back in the office.
The timing was perfect.
And that morning, I pulled him aside.
I told him that I felt like a terrible boss for not noticing his condition earlier…
And that I’d spent the last 3 weeks searching for a natural remedy to his uric acid issue.
“Ian, I appreciate the effort… but I’ve tried it all. Tart Cherry juice, special supplements, strict diets… I even stopped eating red meat. I’m just going to have to learn to live with it.”
But I wasn’t going to take that for an answer.
I handed Michael a plastic bag.
It contained a dozen small fruits.
I told him to take it home, and eat one a day for the next 2 weeks and let me know how he felt.
To say I was excited was an understatement.
I had dedicated my entire life to finding natural fixes for everyday health problems.
And I was about to hit the jackpot again with this latest Uric Acid remedy.
(Or so I thought)
That same evening, I got a text from Michael.
“Ian, I don’t know what you gave me but I can’t eat it. It’s disgusting” - Michael
“Just try it for at least a week. Wash it down with water to mask the taste. Let me know how it goes” - Ian
“Ok” - Michael
The next day, Michael felt no improvement.
The day after that, he also felt no improvement.
And the day after that, he still felt no improvement.
And 3 days later, he had a flare-up in his ankle.
He’d also been struggling to eat the fruit. It had a bitter, astringent taste that made him gag with each bite.
And 3 days later, he took the day off after a uric acid flare-up in his big toe.
The fruit wasn’t working.
I’d hit another dead end.
I was almost ready to give up.
But I knew I was onto something.
So I held a meeting with our researchers and product formulators in our production factory.
I explained that the fruit was rich in a unique form of polyphenols.
And these special polyphenols would suppress the XO enzyme in millions of people suffering with this.
But there was a problem.
The fruit, in its natural form, was extremely bitter. It also didn’t have much of an effect when given to Michael…
Because he would have to eat so many per day.
So we needed to turn the fruit into a more concentrated form.
Whether that was through a liquid extract…
Or a powder…
Or a sprayable solution…
I had no clue.
They understood the assignment. And they got to work.
And for the next 4 weeks…
Things started to return to normal.
The team continued working on new product launches.
Michael seemed OK, but I could tell the incident had gotten to him.
And not only that - but he had a second Uric Acid Attack that left him unable to work for almost one week.
A month later, a small, dark bottle was left on my desk.
I was excited.
The bottle had the label “XO Control” on it.
I unscrewed the top.
There was a Taupe colored liquid concentrate inside.
I called Jake, our senior product formulator, and he explained:
“The fruit you gave us is extremely rich in polyphenols, which can and will reduce the XO in your body. So you were right about that.
We were able to figure out a proprietary way to extract it naturally and we have concentrated it more than 10X into a liquid.
Now we have an extremely concentrated version of the fruit you gave me. It’s filled with polyphenols - specifically tannins, and that’s not all - it’s 100% water soluble - just mix it in with your water.
This is the most bioavailable form of Baheda fruit extract on the planet.
We should get a patent on this, Ian.”
I went to straight to Michael’s office, and said:
“Michael. You need to try this. We turned the fruit into an extract that you can dissolve into a glass of water daily. Try it and let me know how it goes.”
I gave Michael the bottle, with instructions to take 17 drops in the morning, and 17 drops at night before he slept.
He started taking it like I instructed.
And just 2 weeks later, I received a call from Michael on a Saturday night.
“Ian… you’re not going to believe this.
I think that liquid you gave me just stopped a Uric Acid attack..”
I shot out of bed and asked Michael to give me the details.

Michael went on to explain:
“I can tell that I’m going to have a flare up because I feel this ‘tingly’ sensation in my big toe. It’s like a hairy caterpillar crawling around in there.
And today I felt exactly that. Which meant I would start flaring up at any point this evening.
I took 17 drops of the extract, and mixed it into a glass of water, like you told me.
Then I decided to go to take a short nap, expecting the worst.
But you won’t believe what happened next.
I drifted off to sleep, and woke up an hour later expecting the same old pain..
I went to stand up… and there was literally no pain at all.”
After that…
Michael continued taking the extract twice a day - once in the morning, and once at night…
And he hasn’t had a single attack since…
All his sore, creeky joints are super smooth and feeling a lot younger now.
He walks around with a new ‘spring’ in his step, and everyone sees it…
He’s sharper, more witty - as if he’d been sleeping better and retaining more…
Michaels flare-ups have become a thing of the past…
He also stopped taking the prescription pills that hospitalized him…
He went from having a uric acid attack at least twice a month, and having to suppress the pain with chemical drugs…
To never having a uric acid flare up again.
I was ecstatic.
But I was also hesitant.
Because even though I wanted to share this miraculous discovery with every man and woman who suffered from this condition…
I first wanted to make sure that this transformation wasn’t some weird fluke…
We had to know it would work for anyone, no matter their age, how overweight they were, or how bad their uric acid attacks had been in the past.
I couldn’t rely on Michael’s transformation alone.
So I Talked With David, Our Janitor, And He Agreed To Take The Fruit-Extract And See If It Would Help…
And the results shocked me…
Within a month, David hadn’t had ONE flare-up.
“I’ve had uric acid flare-ups on-and-off for the last 4 years. What can I say… I like steak and I like beer.
The only problem is that everytime I indulge in a steak, I end up flaring-up the next day. It feels like someone put a chopstick in my big toe and started squeezing real hard. Hurts more than a broken bone.
Anyway, when I tried the extract, I didn’t notice much for the first few days. But when 2 months went by and I hadn’t had a single flare-up - and hadn’t been following the strictest of diets, mind you - I knew that it was working.”
With further research… I came across another double-
blind, placebo controlled study on Baheda…
Where all 35 people who were given the fruit extract
saw a dramatic decrease in their uric acid attacks…
That confirmed it…
We were sitting on a remedy so powerful that it was helping victims of Inflammation manage their condition without pills…
No Matter Their Age, History, Gender, Metabolism, Or Genetics…
This miraculous Inflammation formula worked for everyone!
The best part?
Michael was able to eat his favorite “off limit” foods…
Poultry… cake… pizza… you name it.
As long as he stuck to taking the fruit-extract twice a day…
He could eat whatever he wanted to without increasing his Uric Acid level…
After Michael and David, I knew that this solution would work for everyone…
And I want YOU to be the next amazing success story.
Because I know how hard it is to try every diet for weeks and months… only to end up with the same flare-ups that made you start…
I know how hard it is to give in and start taking life-long prescription pills, just because the pain is so bad…
And I know how hard it is to wonder if you’ll have to suffer for the rest of your life…
But for the first time ever, your future doesn't have to be like that.
Because today, we have something that gets to the real root cause of your Inflammation attacks.
Perfect Uric is the world’s first and only natural Inflammation support that target’s the real root cause of your Inflammation flare-ups by suppressing the XO enzyme in your body.

So if you want to take BACK control of your life, and never have to worry about an unexpected Inflammation-attack ruining your plans…
Or you want to try an alternative to the pharmaceutical meds that can possibly leave you with fatal side effects…
Or you just want to stop being seen as fragile by your friends and family…
All without restrictive diets and bland foods…
Then Perfect Uric is the solution for you.
No matter your age. Weight. Or how many times you’ve failed to find a solution in the past.
Just 30 days into taking Perfect Uric…
You will start to notice more mobility, and less pain in your joints as your Uric Acid levels start to balance out
Next you’ll notice that you haven’t had a Inflammation-attack in a while…
In fact, you’ll realize that you haven’t even THOUGHT about your next flare up in weeks…
Friends, family, and colleagues will notice the new energy in your step, and that you never seem to suffer from any sort of joint pain…
Especially when they see you eating your favourite foods everyday…
And when you tell them what you’re doing to keep your Uric Acid levels down…
They won’t believe it’s that simple.
Even though it really is…

Simply take Perfect Uric in the morning and evening, and let it work its magic.
It won’t be long before you find yourself chasing your grandchildren around at family gatherings, with the suppleness and mobility of a twenty year old…
Or till you find yourself waking up every single morning, putting your feet on the floor, and feeling no pain…
Or till you find yourself going about your life with a newfound confidence, now that you don’t have to constantly worry about an Inflammation flare-up…
Because with Perfect Uric, you’re actively suppressing the root cause of your Inflammation - the XO enzyme…
And that’s not all…
Because not only are you supporting healthy Uric Acid levels…
Perfect Uric has a number of immense health benefits…
Such as:

Helps To Strengthen
Your Immunity

Adds Luster & Thickness To Your Hair

Balances Your Cholesterol Levels
It’s 100% pure, and contains only ONE potent ingredient…
The Baheda fruit.
Perfect Uric…
Supports Healthy Blood Uric Acid Levels
Is Vegetarian
Is Non-GMO
Supports A Healthy Inflammatory Response
Is Patent Pending
Organic, Kosher
& Halal
Is A Potent Xanthine Oxidase (XO) Inhibitor
Today, and on this page only…
You Can Get A Bottle Of Perfect Uric For As Little As $0.96 Per Day…
See, when we first formulated Perfect Uric…
Each GMP certified and third-party lab tested bottle ended up costing around $79…
Which is extremely fair…
When you consider that it’s less than what you’ll pay for doctor visits, extreme diets, pharmaceutical prescriptions, and dangerous Inflammation-removal surgeries…
And yet unlike those…

Perfect Uric is the only natural solution that targets the root cause of your Inflammation within 30 days
Plus, when you consider that every bottle is manufactured in-house…
Is 100% safe, effective and natural…
And only contains ONE ingredient…
But despite all that…
We want to help everyone take back control of their Inflammation.
Which means everyone deserves access to Perfect Uric.
That’s why if you act right now, and make the life changing decision to join the thousands of men & women who are managing their Inflammation with Perfect Uric…
You can enjoy massive savings…
And claim your very own supply of Perfect Uric…
For just $49 per bottle.
But that’s just the start…
Because thanks to us being the primary manufacturer…
We have secured everything at an even lower cost because there is no middle man…
You can save BIG on every 6-Bottle order!
And if that wasn’t amazing enough…
We’re going to 100% guarantee you see an improvement
in your Uric Acid levels thanks to Perfect Uric…
See if you're anything like me, you’re probably a bit skeptical.
I completely understand.
We’ve often been mislead by diet and health professionals who want to sell us the next greatest fad to take away all of our problems…
The multi-billion dollar supplement industry would go bankrupt if they told you there's a quick, easy, and natural way to support your Inflammation.
So to show you how confident Michael and I believe that this formula will change your life…
And so you have absolutely no risk…
I'm prepared to protect your order with a 100% 60 day money back guarantee that works like this…

60 Day Guarantee
If for any reason you are not happy with your first order, you are covered by our 60 Day Guarantee.
A refund will be issued for one unit of any product without having to make any return.
If multiple bottles were issued in that order, these would need to be returned unopened and in the same condition that you received them.
Click The 6-Bottle Package Of Perfect Uric Below For The Biggest Savings!
Here’s why you should buy 3 or 6 bottles…
Since we get to save when shipping bulk orders, we feel it's only fair to pass the savings on to you when you order Perfect Uric today!
As soon as you choose your package…
Whether it’s 1 bottle, 3 bottles, or the smartest option…
6 bottles for the biggest discount…
You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page.
Just fill out your information and we’ll begin working on your order…

After a few days, the mailman will ring your doorbell and hand you your package of Perfect Uric.
Simply unscrew the bottle and mix 17 drops of the fruit-extract into a small glass of water in the mornings and at nights…
And watch as your body transforms before your eyes.

Within the first week of taking Perfect Uric, you’ll feel a noticeable improvement in your inflammation problems.
After the second week, you’ll realize that your joints feel more supple…
By week three, you’ll notice your sleep improving…
And after week four, you’ll never worry about your next uric acid flare-up again…
This is one of the easiest decisions of your life…
And remember, you have the rest of your life to try it out and see it works for you and keep the weight for good..
Which means that even if you’re mildly curious, you might as well pick up 6 bottles today…
It’s risk free!
Over the past two years, we’ve learned how quickly life can change…
How quickly things can be taken away…
Which is why right now is the time to take action…
And take back control of your uric acid inflammation, and your life…
Remember: Activation is the only place you can get Perfect Uric…
Don’t bother looking for a product like this in Walmart or Amazon…
We’re a small-town, family business with a mission to help 100,000,000 people take control of their health…
Without dangerous diets, fad supplements, or pharmaceutical pills.
We’re here for people like you who are ready to make a real, permanent change.
Unfortunately, we know that the majority of people who make it this far, quit and go back to what they know…
Even though they’ve seen the remarkable evidence, heard the success stories, and know that there's literally nothing like Perfect Uric on the market ..
They fear that it’s too good to be true.
And that makes sense!
Especially when you consider all the lies you've been told by billion dollar corporations.
And out of fear of being disappointed or wasting their time, they turn away and miss out on what truly is a gift from God.
But for those of you who really see the miracle in this message, who know anything about Activation Products…
You can tell that Perfect Uric is the real deal...
And That’s Why We’re Predicting A Total Sell-Out By The End Of The Week…
For several reasons…
The first is…
We only have 8,000 bottles in inventory.
In order to get the finance department to ‘approve’ funding for new products like Perfect Uric…
We have to show them that there’s enough demand.
That’s why we’ve rolled out this ‘soft-launch’ of Perfect Uric to our internal email subscribers ONLY.
And it’s also why we were only able to produce 8,000 bottles.
The raw materials needed for Perfect Uric take weeks to get to us.
When we produced this first batch of Perfect Uric, it took 3 weeks for the raw material to reach our factory.
And once it got here, it took us an additional 2 weeks just to produce it, bottle it, and get the labels ready.
So if we sell out this week…
It might be a month before you get access to Perfect Uric again.
Which is why most customers choose our 6 bottle option - so they never have to worry about out-of-stocks.