In This Announcement From Activation Products, You’ll Discover…

How To Win The Race Against aging At
The Cellular Level


It’s True! You Can Look, Feel And BE Younger Thanks To Your Body’s Cell Production System

World Renowned Texas Researchers Have Discovered…

HOW to REGENERATE cells at a faster rate than they die… Allowing you to age slower and more gracefully…

WHY scientists think you could offset aging and EXTEND your lifespan (thanks to the breakthrough in this letter)...

THE 13 second daily ritual that OVERHAULS your body’s ability to heal itself… So you can heal from injuries and illnesses faster…

Hi, my name is Ian Clark, founder of Activation Products. 

And while my name might be new to you, you may know my company.

We’re the world’s leading manufacturer of healing superfoods from all over the world… including:

Perfect Press Black Cumin Oil, which helps over 300,000 American’s manage 67 different health problems and ailments… 

EASE Magnesium Spray, which over 550,000 Americans use to reduce their levels of stress and sleep better… 

That’s why more than 1 million customers from around the world have been counting on us since 2011 to keep them pain-free, energetic & young-looking far into their golden years.  

It’s also why I’ve rushed you this special announcement. To tell you about a new health breakthrough that dates back over 1,500 years. 

In all my years of researching and manufacturing the most potent superfoods available on the planet, I’ve never seen something quite like it.

The results of this breakthrough will allow you to:

  • Look and feel younger - as if your skin and joints regained the suppleness and vitality they had in your 20s…
  • Never bea burden to anyone - feeling fully confident and independent in your ability to recover from ailments…
  • Potentially live longer - meaning you’d get to see your grandchildren grow up and become adults…
  • Live with the vibrance of a 20 year old - who folks see and say “Gosh! I hope I’m that energetic and youthful when I’m her age…”

As you’ll see, it’s an incredible discovery that could keep your body regenerating at a faster rate as you age.

Do you realize what this means?

If not - don’t worry, all will be revealed in a moment. And once I explain how it works, you'll see how it can keep you from …

The forgetfulness that inevitably sets in with age - where you struggle to recall names, places and dates…

The morning back pain that never seems to go away - to the point where you can’t even relax on your sofa…

The saggy skin that leaves you with creases around your eyes and forehead - making you look years older and less attractive to your significant other…

But the ailments I just listed aren’t even the worst part about aging…

No… the worst part is the way people treat you.

  • Now this may be a bit personal… but here’s a question for you.
  • How many of your friends and family see you as a fragile old person?
  • How many people treat you like you’re incapable of taking care of yourself? Like you're just a harmless grandma…
  • When in reality, you still have the same fire in your belly that you had in your twenties.
  • But still - everyone only sees your aging self.
  • If you can relate, you’re in the right place.
  • Because in this letter I’m going to show you exactly how YOU can naturally offset the effects of aging by supporting your body’s Cell Production System.
  • But just before I get into the details of this longevity breakthrough… you need to understand WHY you aren’t aging gracefully in the first place…

And the truth is, your aging has little to do with your diet, exercise, or genetics.

No, the reason you age the way you do is because of your Cell Production System - which I’ll get into in just a moment. 

For now, I want you to imagine this:

You’re a couple of weeks away from your grandchild’s birthday party.

As you hold a photo of him in your hands, you start to worry.

After all, you have no clue what he’d want for a gift… and you wonder if your family will see you as a burden…

You’re sick of your family treating you like some fragile old person… 

You’ve worked so long to finally retire… and you can’t even enjoy yourself… 

  • You’re too busy thinking about your health… and the consequences of getting sick in these precious years…
  • As a result… you live life wrapped in a layer of bubble wrap…
  • Worried that if you get sick, it could leave you bed-ridden for months...
  • And at the core of it all…
  • You aren’t confident in your body’s ability to heal itself.
  • And if you don’t make a change in the rate at which your body is aging…
  • You could risk spending your life reliant on the big-pharma funded healthcare system…
  • In and out of doctors offices…
  • And constantly thinking to yourself...

“It didn’t used to be like this!“

Now, think back to when you were in your 20s. 

You didn’t have a care in the world. Coming down with a flu was just a minor inconvenience… 

And your body seemed to heal itself at light speed.

So I present you with a question...

What would you give to get back that care-free lifestyle you once lived?To live out the rest of your years as an energetic, robust person?

To finally have confidence in your body’s natural healing abilities?

You are most fortunate...

  • Because in this short letter we’re going to show you a simple solution that OVERHAULS your body’s natural healing abilities from the cellular level - no matter how old you are.
  • Skeptical? I would be too. 
  • But that’s until you realise that I used todays remedy to do exactly that.
  • And it requires zero changes to your lifestyle or diet.
  • You won’t even have to wait long for results. 
  • Because a peer reviewed study from a respected Texas Research team has shown that…

Within just 2 hours you could boost your body’s natural healing ability… like you suddenly reversed your age by 20 years.

  • Meaning…
  • You’d no longer stress about the consequences of falling ill…
  • Or being left bed-ridden after a bad fall...
  • You get to live like you were twenty years old again…
  • Without a layer of ‘bubble wrap’ on… calculating every step you take…
  • You’d feel true confidence in your body’s ability to recover and heal from illness and injury…
  • Your brain will feel brighter, as it fights back against oxidative damage…
  • Which is why you start recalling names and places more easily…
  • And things just keep getting better…
  • You feel that youthful zest for life return…
  • Your skin starts to glow again…
  • Your family can’t help but gush…

“You look amazing”

Now what if I told you you could overhaul, renew, and massively restore the repair system that your body naturally uses everyday?

So rather than avoiding all chances of harm…

And wasting your golden years as a prisoner wrapped in a sheet of “fragile grandma proof” bubble wrap…

  • Confident in your body’s ability to heal anything you throw at it?
  • You could live life on the edge like the daring 20 year old you once were?
  • What would you give for that youthful excitement? For that care-free confidence you had as a youth? 
  • I know this might sound overwhelming… but bear with me. 
  • Because in just a moment, you’ll find out exactly how you can…

Live With Zest And Robustness

All because you supercharged your body’s ability to protect, regenerate, and heal itself from the cellular level up…

Now, I’m sure you’re still skeptical…

Because… let’s be honest… How on earth is this possible?

But as you’re about to see, this new Cell Production System breakthrough works by increasing your body’s ability to replace cells. 

As a result, you help your body replace old cells with young and healthy cells - FASTER.

  • This cellular replacement process is what makes up your CellProduction System
  • As a young adult, your Cell Production System was firing on all fronts…
  • Which is why you used to heal from injuries and minor illnesses in just a few days.
  • Your Cell Production System is the reason why you’re alive and breathing this very moment. 
  • It’s the exact mechanism that allows babies to form in the womb. 
  • Now, imagine a large and elaborate house of cards. 
  • Every little card balances on top of one another to form a cohesive, functioning structure... 
  • But what happens when the cards at the bottom start falling apart? 
  • The entire structure crumbles. 
  • Your Cell Production System is like those cards that hold your entire body structure together.
  • But as you age… 
  • Your Cell Production System starts to slow down…
  • Which is why you can’t rely on your body like you should… as if your body starts to ‘give out’ on you as you age… 
  • It’s also why you’re reliant on the greedy American healthcare system… 
  • Resorting to medications that do more harm than good to power through your golden years…
  • But there’s good news.

A Team Of Texas Researchers Have Discovered A Natural Way To

Supercharge Your Cell Production System - And Reverse

The Effects Of Aging In Just 13 Seconds A Day.

Now this might sound like science fiction to you… But I assure you it’s real.

In fact… this is how I used to look:


I was overweight, depressed, and sick. My body was degenerating.

But when I started to look into the world of natural remedies…

I discovered the Tibetan Mountain Shrub I’m about to reveal to you…

  • My body actually started REGENERATING itself as I aged - because my Cell Production System was firing on all fronts.
  • This shrub has been studied rigorously…
  • And in a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study - the golden standard of modern science… 
  • The solution was “associated with a rapid and highly selective” increase in participants' Cell Production System…
  • In just 1 hour.
  • Now imagine being one of the blessed participants who got to boost their
  • Cell Production System in just 1 hour.
  • You’d start to adopt that care-free, youthful zest you had in your twenties... 
  • Maybe you’d finally go on that skiing holiday you always held off… 
  • And you could live with peace of mind, knowing that your body can regenerate faster and more effectively than EVER before.
  • Now before we dive into the solution… 
  • You must understand…

What Your Cell Production System Is - And Why It Breaks Down As You Age

It all comes back to the cellular replacement process I mentioned earlier.

See, your entire body is made up of tiny little cells…

…32 trillion of them to be exact…

And if you watched your cells under a microscope, you’d see that new ones are constantly being created.

Your skin cells replicate and produce more skin.

Your hair cells replicate and produce more hair.

Your blood cells replicate and produce more blood.

The same is true for every single cell in your body. 

You might have even heard the saying...

Every 7 years, your body replaces itself...

And it’s all because of your body’s Cell Production System.

  • Like I said, your body is made up of trillions and trillions of tiny little cells...
  • And each of those cells have a limited lifespan…
  • Meaning that after a certain amount of time… they die…
  • But thanks to your Cell Production System…
  • Your body is able to replace all of those dying cells using ‘Parent Cells’...
  • This is how your body naturally works…

These ‘Parent Cells’ can produce any cell in your body…

  • From organ cells… 
  • To bone cells…
  • Your Parent Cells are the reason you’re alive and breathing today...
  • They’re also the reason that you’re able to heal from broken bones, muscle tears, cuts, bruises, sickness… all kinds of ailments…
  • See, Parent Cells are responsible for repairing all of the trauma and injury that happens to you…
  • They’re also responsible for general maintenance of your organs… 
  • And when you get injured… 
  • Your body releases a signal… releasing Parent Cells from your bone marrow… 
  • And once released… these Parent Cells travel throughout your entire body… 
  • Repairing and regenerating damaged cells in your organs… 
  • Muscles… 
  • And even bones… 
  • When you were younger…
  • Your Cell Production System was at its strongest…
  • Meaning that your body had more Parent Cells circulating...
  • Which is why you seemed to recover from the common cold in just a few days back then...
  • But as you age…
  • Your body’s Cell Production System weakens…
  • And your Parent Cell count decreases…
  • Meaning that your body can no longer keep up with your old & dying cells…
  • And when your body’s cells grow old…
  • And your Cell Production System can’t keep up…

YOU grow old.

  • That’s how aging actually works.
  • It’s the reason ‘harmless’ ailments like the flu seem to leave you bed-ridden for weeks… even months… 
  • And since your Cell Production System can no longer keep up with the dying cells… 
  • You start to age faster and faster… 
  • The skin around your neck and chin starts to become droopy… wrinkly and saggy… 
  • You start to develop dark circles under your eyes… 
  • Your bones and muscles become weaker…
  • But not to worry - because in just 1 minute… 
  • I’m going to reveal the Tibetan Mountain Shrub that boosts your Parent Cell count as you age…
  • But first… understand this...

The scientific name for these Parent Cells is Stem Cells…

  • And as you read this letter… 
  • Scientists around the globe are racing to find new ways to use these cells to help seniors recover from hundreds of illnesses… 
  • Because they believe that stem cells are the key to staying robust as you age… 
  • And even extending your lifespan…
  • Meaning that by supercharging your Cell Production System…
  • You wouldn’t have to live your retirement wrapped in bubble wrap… 
  • You’d be able to go on that ski trip with your family… without constantly worrying about being a fragile burden to them and ruining the vacation… 
  • You’d be able to keep up with your hyperactive grandkids - chasing them around the garden, smiling at the innocent joy in their eyes… 
  • The truth is… this is all possible thanks to the Tibetan Mountain Shrub I’m about to show you…
  • It can naturally increase your Stem Cell count… 11
  • Meaning you could start to feel confident in your body’s natural healing ability…
  • It’s about time I show you the Tibetan Mountain Shrub that could change your life… 
  • Because with the help of thousands of hours of research… 
  • And lots of trial and error… 
  • We are providing the ONE seed on the planet that naturally increases your Stem Cell count…

Sea Buckthorn Shrub.

  • People have been using Sea Buckthorn for a very long time...
  • With its medicinal benefits being recorded in Chinese scripture over 1,500 years ago. 12
  • That's right... people have known about its health effects for centuries...
  • And have quietly been using it to regenerate and stave off aging ever since...
  • Which is why a team of scientists at a prestigious Texas research center started to look into it...
  • See... one of the biggest health benefits of Sea Buckthorn is its ability to help your body regenerate and heal itself...
  • But until recently...
  • Nobody knew HOW it worked...
  • So the scientists got to work...
  • They put together a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study on a group of 12 healthy adults - The golden standard of modern science… 
  • They wanted to find out if Sea Buckthorn had an effect on the number of Stem Cells in your body...
  • And the results were astonishing.
  • The scientists took blood samples before and after giving them the Sea Buckthorn extract...
  • And just two hours after consumption...

The participants had a 15% increase in Stem Cell activity - Meaning that their body was 15% more effective at replacing aging cells.

Try Perfect Press Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil

A Natural Oil That Encourages Stem Cell Activity & Natural Healing




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Perfect Press™ Sea Buckthorn Oil Has A Potency You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

Sea Buckthorn extracts are rare as it is… 

But to find a Sea Buckthorn extract as powerful, potent and pure as ours? Near impossible.

That’s because we’ve sourced the most potent Sea Buckthorn Seeds in the world straight from the mountains of Tibet. 

It is an expensive process - but we’re willing to foot the cost because it means our product is the most  effective on earth. 

Our Sea Buckthorn Oil is perfectly processed from heirloom, wildcrafted, organically grown, non-GMO seeds.

We Use Better Seeds To Make Sea Buckthorn Oil.

We carefully select our Sea Buckthorn seeds, relying on 38 pieces of non-compromising criteria.

Heirloom selection, organic certification, air cleaning & sifting methods, and non-GMO certifications are all part of the non-negotiable checklist. 

Once we’ve found the right seeds, we run test batches for quality. 

What this means is that everything from color, taste, smell, and yield must meet our standards and expectations for product consistency.

We also make sure that when the seeds are delivered to us, they’re clean and undamaged.

The oil is perfectly extracted out of the seeds with zero damage in the entire process from soil to seal!

No One Else Has This Level of Efficacy.

This ensures you enjoy the exact results you are looking for your health. You simply cannot hold a candle to the quality and nutritional potency of the oil contained in our bottles.

Speaking of bottles…

We Even Put This Oil Into Better Bottles…

Another important feature of the Perfect Press brand is our bottles. 

We use only Miron Violet Glass bottles for our Perfect Press line.

Each oil goes straight from the press to the bottle. This protects the oil from air and UV light, both of which can easily damage fragile fatty acids.

Finally, we test our oils for stability and quality to ensure that purity and shelf-life are what you would expect from a process so refined.


Sealed in our special Miron bottles, our oils have an extraordinarily long shelf-life so that you can be sure you’re receiving a product unharmed by oxidation.

Every single batch of Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil is:


Made In North America

Processed From One Ingredient

Free Of Heavy Metals

Made In A GMP Facility

Super Bioavailable

Safe For Teens, Kids And Adults

So if you’re ready to experience what this rare oil can do for your aging self…




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But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…
Here’s What Other Happy Users Had To Say


“I have tried a lot of products for eczema including [other] oils. None worked or helped, until I tried Sea Buckthorn oil. What ever is in it really works well!!!! To the point of clearing up my eczema!”

- Warren G, Verified Buyer

General wellbeing

“I have only been taking for short period of time and feel it has benefitted to my general well being. Have targeted a troubling cracked toenail and since starting this application the nail has healed in approximately 2 weeks time. I have had this nail issue all my life and this is just wonderful.”

- John M, Verified Buyer

Helps with pain

“I've been enjoying the sea buckthorn oil on my skin, although it is a bit thick on the skin compared with the amaranth oil. I prefer applying it to thicker skin areas than the face such as the neck and hands. The amazing thing I discovered about the oil is that it gets rid of pain immediately. It's similar to very high potency CBD oil that way and possibly stronger. I put some on my hand which has a painful ganglion cyst on it and the hand felt normal almost immediately! I gave some to a friend who has a slight sprain in the knee area and her pain disappeared after applying it on the area ! I highly recommend this oil!”

- Evelyne L, Verified Buyer

Sea Buckthorn Oil Is Also Known To Be…


Rich in many nutrients… 

A powerful food for your heart health…

A nourishing oil for your liver… 

Great for helping your skin repair and recover… 

A way to strengthen and support your immune system… 

Great for your digestion…

And if you’re still not convinced… Here's a few more ways that Sea Buckthorn Oil will change your life…


Sea Buckthorn mobilizes specific stem cells in your body that help your skin, organs, bones, and muscles repair and regenerate. It’s a powerful oil for preventive health, regenerative health, and postponing the aging process. You will not find anything better.


This oil contains a high concentration of rare Omega-7 acids that nourish and protect your skin. It also offers palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, as well as antioxidants like Vitamin E, carotenoids and lycopene - all of which protect your skin from free radical damage and allow you to look more youthful.


This is a hydrating oil for your skin (that also happens to be one of the most powerful anti-aging superfoods in the world). It’s been used to treat burns, frostbite, and sores - but it can be used daily as a moisturizer to prevent dry and flaky skin.

Sea Buckthorn Oil Is A Must Have If You Want To Support Your Cell Production System And Age Gracefully…

Now, you’re standing at a crossroad. You have only 2 choices.


You can do nothing. You can accept that your cells are dying and your body can’t keep up. You can live with the fact that all you’ll leave your children (and grandchildren) is an image of you - frail, suffering, and weak. You can continue to be seen as a burden to your family and friends.


You can get your hands on the Sea Buckthorn breakthrough… and help boost your Cell Production System as you age. You can live out the final chapter of your life with vitality, health and robustness.




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Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 18 drops (0.5ml)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*
Calories 4
Total Fat 467 mg (0.6% DV) 2%
Vitamin E 0.33mg (2% DV)
Seabuckthorn Fruit Oil (Hippophae rhamnoides) 0.46g
Omega 6 fatty acids 151 mg
Omega 9 fatty acids 95 mg
Omega 7 fatty acids 16 mg
† Daily Value not established


How is this oil made?

Perfect Press Seabuckthorn Seed Oil is made in a GMP certified facility from nothing but 100% pure, raw, non-GMO, organic Seabuckthorn seeds.

The oil is bottled fresh in Canada. Absolutely no damage is involved to extract the seed oil and therefore no nutritional value is lost.

This process is very expensive and it’s why our product is not only great, it’s the best in the entire industry.

By choosing this oil, you can feel confident that you’re getting the most nutritious Seabuckthorn Seed Oil available in the world. 

How do I use this oil?

Depending on the results you’re looking for, there are a few ways to use Perfect Press Seabuckthorn Seed Oil:

#1. Rub it on dry areas of your skin

#2. Use it topically to help sunburns and minor scrapes heal

#3. Blend it into a smoothie

#4. Apply to your roots before showering

#5. Place a few drops under your tongue and swallow

60 Day Guarantee

If for any reason you are not happy with your first order, you are covered by our 60 Day Guarantee.

A refund will be issued for one unit of any product without having to make any return.

If multiple bottles were issued in that order, these would need to be returned unopened and in the same condition that you received them.

The oil has a whole range of benefits. Rubbing the oil on your skin or into your hair has a moisturizing and nourishing effect and drinking this oil has many anti-aging and stem cell rejuvenating benefits too. It’s up to you!