Activation Products

Transform Your Body With The Most Bioavailable Vitamin In The World

The Missing Link For Total Body Health & Well-Being



Perfect K2-MK7

K2-MK7 - the ‘miracle vitamin’ for heart, bone, and blood health.

Experience benefits within 60 days with consistent use… or you don’t pay.

Contains 400 mcg of K2-MK7 per serving.

Perfect K2-MK7

Is The Most Absorbable Form Of Vitamin K In The World

Vitamin K was first reported in a German scientific journal in 1929. It was deemed to be a coagulator or “Koagulationsvitamin” — hence the “K” in vitamin K. 

Vitamin K2-MK7 has a much wider range of health benefits than other forms of Vitamin K. 

K2-MK7 is also a fat-soluble vitamin. 

That means that its absorption into your bloodstream is enhanced when it’s taken with healthy fats.

That’s why we’ve suspended our K2-MK7 in 100% organic MCT oil… 

To provide the most bioavailable, pure K2-MK7 solution in the world.

It’s So Bioavailable… 
That Your Body Can Produce It On It’s Own

K2-MK7 is a form of Vitamin K that is only found in some animal products, and produced in small amounts by your gut. 

Your gut microbiome is home to a thriving community of bacteria.

A strong gut plays a key role in boosting your overall health and wellbeing. One of the ways it does so is by producing vitamin K2-MK7. 

‘Good’ gut bacteria is responsible for the production of K2-MK7 in your body. 

But there’s a problem with simply relying on your body to produce enough K2-MK7. 

The K2-MK7 isn’t made in high enough quantities to be your body’s only source of vitamin K2.

K2-MK7 Plays An Important Role In Your Hormone Production

Osteocalcin is a hormone produced by your bones. 

  • Osteocalcin helps build stronger bones by binding calcium to the bones.

  • Osteocalcin increases your insulin production and helps glucose enter your muscles and other tissues, keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

  • Supports reproductive health in men by increasing testosterone production.

  • Can help with your brain function. In a study of 117 women, higher osteocalcin levels were associated with better cognitive function.

In order for any of these processes to happen in your body…  The osteocalcin must first be activated by K2-MK7.

Try Our Latest Health Breakthrough Today, At A Special Introductory Price

Perfect K2-MK7



£31.00/ Bottle

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(£25.66/ Bottle)
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(£28.66/ Bottle)
SAVE 15%

Discover The Innumerable Health Benefits Of Vitamin K2-MK7 Today

Directs Calcium To The Right Place

K2-MK7 helps your body use calcium correctly, resulting in strong, healthy bones and teeth. 

K2-MK7 acts as an air traffic controller, directing calcium exactly where it needs to go.

In your body, it prevents calcium deposits from forming in your blood vessels, kidneys, liver, or other soft tissue. 

It even works to remove calcium from your arteries.

Supports a Healthier Heart By 57%

When K2-MK7 directs calcium properly, it prevents calcium deposits from forming inside your blood vessels.

This keeps your blood vessels more flexible, ensuring a smoother, easier blood flow and boosting circulation… 

Which takes stress off the heart. 

In one study, participants with high vitamin K2 intake had a 57% increased heart health .

Promotes Bone Health

There are two proteins in your body that help bind calcium to your bones, strengthening them.

Vitamin K2-MK7 activates these proteins, helping build bone strength, increasing bone mineral density, decreasing bone fracture rates, and fighting off bone disease (such as osteoporosis).

As a result, vitamin K2 is regularly prescribed in Japan to prevent and treat osteoporosis.

Regulates Vitamin D

One of the main functions of vitamin D is to enhance your body’s ability to absorb calcium. 

But, vitamin D doesn’t direct where that calcium is deposited. 

Vitamin K2-MK7 ensures that excess calcium, as a result of increased Vitamin D, does not go to the wrong places.

Lowers Blood Glucose

Osteocalcin, activated by K2, is a hormone that reduces both insulin sensitivity and blood glucose. 

A high blood glucose level is also associated with an elevated risk of insulin resistance  and mood disorders. 

Studies show that when K2 supports healthy glucose levels , it also works to reduce the possibility of type 2 diabetes and minimize depression and anxiety.

Assists In Healthy Blood

Your body uses vitamin K2-MK7 to produce a protein called prothrombin, which is crucial to healthy blood . 

This reduces excessive bleeding, severe bruising, and promotes wound healing.

It also checks  potentially dangerous—even fatal—hemorrhages. 

Boosts Cardiac Energy

Vitamin K2-MK7 fuels mitochondria — the “batteries” that supply energy to all of the cells in your body, including muscles.

One muscle in particular has a lot of mitochondria: your heart. 

Strengthening the heart muscle is a huge workout benefit not just to elite athletes, but for everyone. 

We all need healthy hearts!

Improves Dental Health

Osteocalcin, the protein activated by K2-MK7, is shown  to stimulate the growth of dentin, the calcified tissue underneath your tooth enamel. 

By prompting the activation of osteocalcin, and therefore dentin, K2-MK7 supports  healthy teeth, too.

Supports The Fight Against Inflammtion 

Researchers are constantly investigating new ways to prevent inflammation  

Two separate clinical studies found that a high vitamin K2 intake supports a healthy liver increasing longevity 

Another study found that participants who increased their K2 levels had a 63% improvement in prostate health.

Perfect K2-MK7



£31.00/ Bottle

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3 Pack

(£28.66/ Bottle)
SAVE 15%

Try Perfect K2-MK7 Risk-Free For 60 Days

*We are offering 60 day risk free guarantees on your first order of K2-MK7.

Our 60 Day Guarantee applies to 1 bottle only if it is also your first time purchasing the product…

Any additional bottles purchased will need to be returned unopened within 60 days to be eligible for a refund.

Perfect K2-MK7

Revitalize Your Health with Stronger Bones, A Healthier Heart and Optimized Immune System - Guaranteed Results or Your Money Back!



£31.00/ Bottle

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(£25.66/ Bottle)
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