When ALA intake in a population rises
heart-related deaths in that same population fall.
Why? Because eating foods with this nutrient in them protects your heart muscle, helps you maintain healthy blood pressure and slows down the natural deterioration of your circulatory system as you age.
Whether you’re ‘over the hill’ or not, what you’re about to learn will make your quality of life so much better moving forward. It’s a simple way for you to start reinforcing your heart every day, completely on your own.
Thanks to years of research, we now know of a natural way to maintain a healthy heart — and by the end of this article, you will too. You will be in control of your future quality of life and you will be empowered to take positive action towards building and maintaining a stronger, healthier heart.
Before we get started, however, there’s one thing you’ve got to understand first…
No matter what age you are, this information applies to you!
Your heart is under attack every day. It doesn’t start when you turn 50, that’s just the average age when damage that’s already been done becomes so obvious that you can’t ignore it anymore. Even if you’re nowhere near that point, you need to start making positive investments in your heart right now. TODAY. If you don’t, your risk of developing problems in the future will skyrocket. The proof is in the shocking statistics that keep coming out year after year:
Heart problems continue to be THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in the U.S.
In fact, forget the statistics. It wouldn’t take you very long to think of someone close to you whose later years were tainted by heart problems, right? It’s a heartbreaking reality that is just as likely to happen to you as it was to them. The cycle continues. Unless...you fight back!