Dear Health & Vitality Seeker!
Are you battling health problems, emotional disruption, a lack of sustainable energy... or any kind of imbalance (i.e. everything NOT in harmony with absolutely perfect well-being)?
Stop thinking about it.
All of it.
Right now.
Don't ever talk about your symptoms again.
I mean it.
I don't care if you're fatigued, stressed, dealing with constant pain or inflammation, can't sleep, can't work, can't think...
...none of that matters.
Your problems... aren't the problem.
They never were.
Stop listening to doctors, pharmaceutical companies... or anyone feeding into the sick-care paradigm.
They're wrong...
- They're wrong to talk about your symptoms.
- They're wrong to imply that you have to live with certain conditions.
- They're wrong to give you drugs that have harmful, debilitating, deadly side effects.
They're just wrong.
You Are Absolutely Healthy
(No matter what you're physically & emotionally experiencing RIGHT NOW)
Let that sink in.
Allow the knowing that health is unconditionally, 100%, your Natural State to penetrate the thoughts streaming through your mind at this very second.
You have health.
- Even if you feel completely hopeless about your body.
- Even if you feel completely hopeless about your life.
- Even if every single day is a struggle to get through and you're wondering, "What's the point?"
You absolutely have health.
You're breathing in and out.
Your Innate Intelligence is ready, willing and able to repair your body — IF it receives the vital nutrients to optimally function and blissfully elevate your health.
You don't need to heal or cure anything.
That's not your job.
Your Body is a Living,
Breathing Example of Perfect Technology
(Apple could never innovate anything close to your Innate Intelligence)
Your body knows exactly how to heal itself.
Your body knows how to make you feel downright euphoric — on every possible level.
Your body knows more about your health than you can ever learn in a lifetime of elite education.
Did you forget?
Did you forget about the mind-blowing intelligence your body commands?
Are you so overwhelmed by how acutely your symptoms have affected your quality of life that it's difficult to believe you can tap back into your Natural State of Health?
Believe it.
The catch is...
You have to completely, wholeheartedly let go of telling the story about your problems.
Whatever is going on inside of your body; whatever symptoms you're dealing with...
They aren't yours.
They don't define you.
They will never reflect who you are (unless you let them).
You are under zero obligation to tell me how difficult it is to function in life — whether you’re in pain or you're experiencing something as seemingly harmless as occasional low energy.
I already know.
We have ALL been there in some way, shape or form.
Talking about whatever symptoms are affecting you RIGHT NOW does NOT help you create a healthier body or a better life in the slightest.
Stop Telling Stories About Your Symptoms!
(if you genuinely want to live in your
Natural State of Health)
Believe me...
I get it.
We ALL get it.
When your body isn't performing optimally, regardless of how subtle or acute the ‘malfunction’ feels, it impacts every single aspect of your life.
Everything from your confidence to the amount of money you can earn is totally interconnected with your health.
How do you get from where you are (and what you're presently experiencing) back to your Natural State of Health?
How do you go from constantly thinking about your symptoms and problems to always focusing on your health?
The first step is understanding that imbalance (everything that's NOT in harmony with absolutely perfect well-being) is the result of your Innate Intelligence breaking down.
If you're failing to give your body the WHOLE, intact, pure, organic nutrients it needs to thrive, imbalance inevitably creeps in.
Still though...
Don't forget.
Never forget.
Always remember.
You have health — without exception.
Your Natural State of Health is Just Being Covered Up by Your Symptoms
(like clouds veiling the sunshine)
With that in mind...
A lot of people wait until their symptoms become a diagnosable pathological condition or constant, everyday challenges.
When that happens...
Focusing on eradicating the problem is so incredibly seductive.
- Is that you?
- Have the symptoms of imbalance taken over your life?
- Are you being tricked into believing the cloud cover is the problem and the sunshine that is your Natural State of Health doesn't exist anymore?
After all...
When your body is taken over by toxins, bacterial and fungal imbalance, heavy metals, free radicals, a hyperreactive inflammation response and pain, it's difficult NOT to think about your symptoms.
And whether you take your health problems to a medical doctor or an alternative health practitioner...
...they're going to give you drugs or supplements that focus mostly (or entirely) on treating your symptoms.
While the cause is virtually ignored.
When the real focus belongs on the sunshine that's always been there, WAITING FOR YOU (i.e. your Natural State of Health.)
The question is and has always been:
"How can I get so healthy that imbalance literally can't happen in my body?"
That's why you're here.
- You're NOT interested in playing the symptoms game.
- You're only interested in being so healthy that imbalance simply doesn't exist.
- You're searching for the most alive, nutritionally intact, whole foods to flood your body with and reach optimal health.
Don't get me wrong...
I fully understand that your symptoms might have brought you here (or maybe you already know that health is what you're truly seeking.)
You can finally acknowledge that your health is always where your complete and undivided attention belongs.
Because no matter what you're presently experiencing, you can ALWAYS elevate your health and live in your Natural State.
That's a fact.
Imbalance Won't Occur in a Body That's in Optimal Health
(and you can get there, no matter where you are RIGHT NOW, with the right tools)
My name is Ian Clark.
I'm the Founder of Activation Products.
It's my job to discover the purest organic, raw, nutritionally intact whole superfoods and bring them to market, so I can HELP millions of people live in their Natural State of Health.
And for the last 10 years...
We've been proudly offering Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton & EASE Magnesium to accomplish our massive vision of coexisting in a world of healthy people getting healthier.
Oceans Alive & EASE Magnesium are, individually, the two most powerful health-promoting products available today.
That being said...
Activation Products is Excited to Introduce You to the Single Most Important Health Innovation in the History of Humankind
(not just the 21st Century.)
It's called Five Seed Blend.
You're looking at the very first Beyond Superfood.
We've FINALLY unlocked the life from seeds and kept it intact.
We're talking about tapping into the essence of life itself at the highest possible level... the purest, most concentrated form, ever.
Think about it:
Each individual seed creates a plant, flower or tree that has the potential to reproduce millions more.
We're talking about infinite, perpetual life.
The impact that unlocking the life force energy in seeds will have on your health is absolutely immeasurable.
The beauty is...
Each seed has a different function.
And since we can unlock the life from ANY seed;
Every vitamin, enzyme, fatty acid and antioxidant that your body requires to elevate your well-being...
...and live in your Natural State of Health, is at your disposal.
The whole spectrum of your health is covered.
Forget About Having a Medicine Cabinet Stocked Full of Supplements & Pharmaceutical Drugs
(and wasting your time & money on stuff that doesn't help you)
Just one teaspoon of Five Seed Blend a day can accentuate your health in ways that nothing else on the planet has the power to achieve.
But please, please, please...
Don't make the mistake of thinking you can just go to Whole Foods and purchase seed oil to reap the benefits of this powerful, life-changing technological quantum leap in health.
You can't.
I really need you to hear this next statement:
There isn't a single other company, anywhere in the world that creates and sells 100% nutritionally intact seed oil.
Here's The Truth About Seed Oil
We're in the Business of Getting Healthy People Healthier
(so you can reach your real potential as a truly remarkable human being)
We're only interested in having a conversation about your health.
Never about your imbalance.
Do you understand the HUGE shift in mentality I'm talking about here?
We are leading the health conversation.
What every Activation Products customer has discovered is that by eating Five Seed Blend and focusing ONLY on well-being...
...they're all discovering their Natural State of Health without ever once thinking about imbalance again.
They just feel too good with this stuff in their bodies.
- Is that an experience you want?
- Are you ready to NEVER think about imbalance again and ALWAYS focus on your health?
- Do you want access to Five Seed Blend, the biggest health breakthrough, ever?
Are You Saying YES?
(do you want to live in absolute bliss?)
"Heck yeah!"
When you have the intact life-force-instilling building blocks to elevate your health, it's easy to focus on your constantly expanding well-being.
Personally speaking...
The moment I had my first teaspoon of nutritionally-intact oil, I could immediately smell, taste and FEEL the difference.
It was a life-transforming, absolutely momentous occasion.
And from that moment on...
I devoted myself to these oils.
You Can Experience Totally Unheard-Of Levels Of Health, Vitality, Mental Acuity & Passion
(with the help of humanity's first Beyond Superfood, Five Seed Blend)
You already have health.
Activation Products and Five Seed Blend exist only to get healthy people healthier.
The fact that imbalance ceases to exist is just one of the numerous benefits you'll receive when you become one of the first people in history to eat this Beyond Superfood.
Support your original, healthy DNA.
Experience the kind of unlimited energy you never even knew was possible.
Effortlessly excel in absolutely everything you do; create better relationships and produce unprecedented financial results in your job or business.
Maintain and grow a positive mindset that empowers you to believe you can create your reality and command your circumstances without fail.
Those are the simple, but mind-blowing benefits of living in your Natural State of Health.
Those are the benefits of Five Seed Blend.
Nothing Else on the Planet Can Help You Focus on Your Health
(and empower you to develop amnesia about your imbalances and symptoms)
Five Seed Blend is the only product on the market meant to get healthy people healthier.
This blend of sunflower, flax, black sesame, coriander and pumpkin seed oils is the only cellular fuel your body needs to flourish.
- No more dis-ease thinking.
- No more worrying about symptoms.
- No more fighting your body.
Give Yourself the Gift of Unlimited Life
(and create a reality unlike anything you imagined possible)
While you're at it...
Spread the love.
Make sure you get a bottle of Five Seed Blend into the hands of every single person you love.
Nurture your family and friends with the only health-producing, Beyond Superfood you can buy.
Five Seed Blend has been thousands of years in the making.
Everything your body (and your life) needs to thrive is available in just one teaspoon of our seed juice.
Are you ready to experience unlimited life?
Are you ready to achieve your dreams?
Are you ready to help the ones you love?
I promise it will be the single best decision you've ever made in your entire life.
And while I know that's a BIG declaration.
I'm ready to back it up.
If you eat Five Seed Blend (as directed) and don't experience previously unrealized levels of blissful health and well-being in 60 days...
...we’ll give you a full refund.
It's that simple.
The Activation Products Inc.
We want you to be 100% satisfied or you get your money back.
No questions asked. It’s really that simple.
We’re giving you 60 days to test-drive our products and customer service to prove it! Our customer loyalty team is here for you with all of the product knowledge and information you could ask for.
If there is anything we can do, please call us at 1-866-271-7595 (Monday through Friday, 9am to 8pm EST) and we will ensure that you are taken care of immediately.
I'm passionate...
I'm excited...
I'm inspired...
To give YOU the chance to change your life forever.
That's what happens when you become so healthy that emotional garbage and imbalance can't exist inside of your body.
Nothing is ever the same again... the most positive, miraculous way possible.
To Living in Your Natural State of Health!
Ian Clark, Founder of Activation Products Inc.
P.S. When I say there's a limited amount of Five Seed Blend available for sale to the public, that's not hype, that's not fake scarcity. Please, if you're serious about elevating your health, this moment, RIGHT NOW, is the most important 60 seconds of your entire life. I say that with complete and utter sincerity. Take. Action. Now!
By the way...
If you sign up for our Auto Delivery program, you will be GUARANTEED to always have Five Seed Blend in your body. And once you experience this Beyond Superfood for yourself, you'll instantly understand why getting on Auto Delivery is vital for your quality of life.
P.P.S. The power of seeds has been revered since the dawn of civilization. However, until now, we've only been able to benefit from just a tiny, almost insignificant percentage of the life contained in seeds. When I say that this is the biggest health breakthrough in the history of mankind, I mean it... because it absolutely is.
So if you've ever wanted to stop thinking about your symptoms, about your problems, and have a tool unlike any other for building your health. This. Is. It!
P.P.P.S. Five Seed Blend is NOT a supplement. This is the ultimate natural superfood. By accessing the unlimited life in seeds, we've triggered a nutritional Big Bang that will have a profound effect on your health. No more popping pills and treating symptoms. With Five Seed Blend, you're going straight to the source of unlimited life. You have NEVER had an opportunity like this to get healthier than you've ever been or imagined possible. Click here to take action.
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Would you like to upgrade to our Priority Club?*
Save 20% plus get a FREE travel-size bottle of our EASE Magnesium each month with your order. ($144/year value).
Just $31.50 Per Month

*Priority Club is a monthly subscription to get this product automatically charged to your account and shipped to your address on "Auto Delivery". This type of order comes with a minimum 60-day term. After the first 60 days, we require 10 business days’ advance notice to cancel Auto Delivery subscriptions. This gives our warehouse time to prevent your next order from shipping out. After the first 60 days, if you want to pause your subscription, Auto Delivery orders may be put on hold for a maximum of 60 days. Your adherence to this policy is the best way for Activation Products to offer discounts for Auto Delivery. Some conditions may apply. Placing an Auto Delivery order with Activation Products indicates a legally-binding acceptance of the terms outlined in this policy. If you have a concern, please speak with a member of our customer loyalty team.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.